Faculty Showcase 2021

Faculty Showcase 2021 Banner Faculty Showcase 2021 Banner

🕘  NOV 4 2021, 3-6 P.M.  💻  Online

Learning Innovation and Faculty Engagement and UM's Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL) are delighted to announce the seventh annual Faculty Showcase. The Faculty Showcase is the University of Miami's premiere teaching and learning eventan annual gathering where faculty share, network, and discover the ways in which their colleagues are enriching student experiences through innovative pedagogies and learning technologies. Led by faculty for faculty, this afternoon conference aims to support faculty development and enhance student learning.

This year's event took place via Zoom on Thursday, November 4 from 3-6 p.m.


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  • Overview


    This year's Faculty Showcase includes a range of sessions that focus on, among other things, teaching in various modalities, strategies for engaging students, inclusive teaching practices, and innovative uses of learning technologies.

    All sessions will take place in Zoom on the afternoon of Thursday, November 4. During the conference, you will click on each time to locate the session you plan to attend and then click on the 'join' link.

    Zoom Tips: We will be using the Zoom Meeting format throughout the conference. If you're unfamiliar with Zoom, review the Zoom FAQs.

  • Welcome (3:00PM - 3:30PM)


    The conference will begin with messages from Matt Acevedo, Director of Learning Innovation and Faculty Engagement, Academic Technologies; Allan Gyorke, Associate VP of Information Technology and Assistant Provost for Educational Innovation; and Laura Kohn Wood, Dean of the School of Education and Human Development.

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  • Breakout Sessions (3:35PM - 4:05PM)

    Bringing Experiential Learning to the Classroom

    Melissa Jane "MJ" Barnes, M.S., Lecturer and Managing Director of Orange Umbrella Consulting, Communications

    Now in its fifth year of existence, Orange Umbrella - the student-run communication consultancy at the University of Miami - has embraced and refined what experiential learning can look like. Orange Umbrella's sole Managing Director and Faculty Advisor, MJ Barnes, will share key insights & success stories that detail the power of experiential education and its impact on students. Additionally, she will provide five specific methodologies that can be adopted into almost any classroom - each aiming to enrich and enhance the student experience.

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    Adapting Professional Coaching & Leadership to Increase Students' Self-Concept in the Classroom

    Marisol Capellan, Lecturer, Business Management

    In this session, participants will learn how to use coaching, leadership, and cultural intelligence to increase students’ self-concept in the classroom. Participants will be exposed to various techniques usually used in the professional leadership coaching industry that can be adapted in the classroom to enhance the student’s experience. Using these techniques can help students practice goal-setting, feel ownership of their learning outcome, and develop self-awareness. Some of the questions that will be covered in this session are: How can I manage my students’ teams? How can I help my students build leadership skills in the classroom? How can I contribute to their sense of ownership of their academic success?

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    Using Podcast for Language and Culture Acquisition

    Cae Joseph-Massena, Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures

    In Spring 2021, with the support of members from the Life Team (Gemma Henderson and Amanda Valdespino) I developed a creative final project for my online FRE 203 course. I wanted to craft a final project that would be collaborative, serve as an alternative mode of assessment, and would tap into the creativity of the students. The Life Team and I developed a podcast assignment where students were able to explore different topics drawn from texts seen in class as well as their individual and collective experiences. They made connections between texts from medieval to contemporary literature and current topics such as structural racism. Overall, it was a very positive experience for both the students and the instructor.

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    Let's Integrate Technology to Increase Student Engagement and Outcomes, More Than the Basics!

    Kirsten Schwarz, Lecturer, Teaching, and Learning

    The integration of technology not only helps keep students engaged but also drives better results with both short and long-term learning outcomes. Participants will interact with a variety of technological tools that can be easily integrated into our lessons such as apps, video recordings (both during lectures and through student discussion board posts), and various simulations that can be brought into the virtual or live classroom to further enhance learning. By integrating technology, we can create lectures and learning environments that are fun, relatable, and improve student engagement and learning.

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  • Breakout Sessions (4:10PM - 4:40PM)

    Advancing Clinical Reasoning Using Standardized Patients and Layered Complex Cases

    Neva Kirk-Sanchez, Associate Professor of Clinical, MSOM; Greg Hartley, Associate Professor of Clinical, MSOM; James Moore, Associate Professor of Clinical, MSOM

    The course is a capstone experience in clinical reasoning and decision-making for doctoral physical therapy students. A competency-based assessment tool was developed and implemented using multiple Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE), utilizing standardized patients, and representing a variety of patient populations. Cases were rich in context and increased in complexity over the experience. Core faculty-managed logistics and course design and content experts were recruited to facilitate small groups. Students utilized a structured examination worksheet (reflecting the physical therapist patient/client management model) to unfold each case. Feedback provided during/after the OSCE and self-reflection promoted deep adaptive learning.

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    Integrating Oral Exams and Interactive Presentations to Test Substantive Knowledge and Build Practical Intelligence

    Mark Shapiro, Associate Professor of Practice and Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Career Advancement, Business Law

    This session would focus on the pedagogy used in BSL 476 The Law of Risk. In this course, designed to teach decision-making in the face of imperfect solutions, using law and risk management as the construct, students are required to participate in a 15-minute oral quiz with the instructor and a 60-minute group presentation presenting to a "boardroom" (other students and the instructor who actively ask questions and participate during the session). It ends with a one-on-one feedback session with students as to communication skills and personal goals. The session would focus on the integration of substantive course material with interactive communication assignments and faculty engagement as a course instructor, mock CEO, and mentor/advisor.

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    Bridging the Two Cultures--Science and Humanities at the Harkness Table

    Jane Indorf, Educator Assistant Professor and Assistant Director, Undergraduate Research and Community Outreach, Biology

    This session will introduce a pilot course, BIL 101 Biology in the Cinema and Theatre. In this discussion-based class, biology is taught via films and stage plays. Before class, students read a play and view a movie that is paired with a biology topic. They write a review of each to reflect on artistic elements, themes, and the biology including what additional information would enhance their understanding of the science. The reviews are a launching pad for the in-class, student-driven discussions. In the following class, students do a deeper dive into biology through problem-solving and peer teaching. In addition to learning biology, the aim is for students to develop an appreciation for the value of connecting science and humanities.

    *Recording not available. Please contact Jane at j.indorf@miami.edu for more information about this session. 

    A Case-Based Interdisciplinary Course for UM Students: Global Challenges addressed by Engineering and Technology

    Derin Ural, Professor in Practice and Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Civil and Architectural Engineering; College of Engineering
    Pratim Biswas, Dean, and Professor, Department of Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering; College of Engineering
    Vincent Omachonu, Professor and Chair, Industrial Engineering; College of Engineering
    Fabrice Manns; Professor and Chair, Biomedical Engineering; College of Engineering
    Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb, Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering; College of Engineering
    Ines Basalo, Assistant Professor in Practice, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; College of Engineering
    Renee Evans, Senior Instructional Designer, LIFE; College of Engineering

    This session will be presented by the teaching team for a new case-based interdisciplinary course for UM students: "Global Challenges addressed by Engineering and Technology". The pilot course has been developed based on the results of the National Survey for Student Engagement conducted by the College of Engineering. The course is an interdisciplinary, team-taught, case-based pedagogically innovative course. The pilot will be scaled up and offered to all interested University of Miami students, regardless of their majors in the coming years.

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  • Breakout Sessions (4:45PM - 5:15PM)

    Success Strategies in Medical Education from the Simulated Participant (SP) Program

    Samantha Syms, Director Professional Programs, MSOM; Michelle Fernandez, Program Coordinator, MSOM; Nicholas Gonzalez, Standardized Patient, MSOM; Honor Jackson, Standardized Patient, MSOM; Terry Reyes, Standardized Patient, MSOM

    The SP Program provides healthcare learners with engaging, experiential activities through innovative uses of educational technologies and hybrid environments. Patient scenarios are created to reflect the diverse and authentic human experience. Learners are offered the opportunity to practice interpersonal and empathy skills in a safe setting to foster a connection between patient and provider. In this presentation, we will share our strategies to engage students through interactive learning, reflection, and debriefing and how technology has leveraged our ability to provide quality learning experiences for future healthcare professionals.

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    Engaging Students with Google Jamboard

    Ashley Falcon, Assistant Professor of Clinical, School of Nursing and Health Studies

    Google Jamboard is a digital interactive whiteboard that can be used in a variety of ways to engage students. Whether you're working one-on-one, with a large class, or somewhere in between, Jamboard can help you facilitate collaborative learning experiences that are efficient and inclusive. Participants will get hands-on experience with various applications of Jamboard, explore how they can use Jamboard in their own classes, and learn how to set up their own Jamboards.

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    Blackboard Ultra: Is the Ultra Course View Right for Me?

    Gemma Henderson, Director of Learning Platforms 

    Following the May 2021 update to the Ultra Base Navigation, faculty now have the option to adopt Ultra Course View. This session will therefore focus on discussing the new course design and its features in comparison to the Original Course View. Attendees will also have the opportunity to review examples, and pilot Ultra Course View in the upcoming Spring 2022 semester.

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    Sustainability Oriented Learning and Entrepreneurship Solutions

    Lokesh Ramamoorthi, Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering

    The discussion will focus orientation of course materials towards sustainability and entrepreneurship opportunities for students.

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  • Breakout Sessions (5:20PM - 5:50PM)

    Mindful Looking: A learning experience for student well-being and discovery

    Hope Torrents, School Programs Coordinator and Director of the Fine Art of Healthcare Program, Lowe Art Museum; Jodi Sypher, Curator of Education, Lowe Art Museum; Scott Rogers, Founder and Director of the Mindfulness and Law Program and UMindfulness

    Relating to a work of art from a mindfulness perspective enriches the beauty and power of art and helps cultivate greater self-awareness. The Lowe’s weekly mindfulness sessions emerged out of a collaboration between the Lowe and Law School. Discover the story of how this program developed, experience a session first-hand, and hear comments from both virtual and in-person participants. Learn how you can schedule a Mindful Looking session for your class, department, or next staff meeting, or explore how you might integrate Mindful Looking into your classroom? Hear success stories of how mindfulness sessions can help both you and your students to sharpen attention, regulate emotions, and learn practical tools to recharge.

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    Simulations and experiential learning strategies in International Relations

    Dina Moulioukova, Lecturer, International Studies

    This presentation explores the value of experiential “in context” learning in International Relations. I will evaluate the application of and key benefits of different hands-on activities such as geopolitical simulations. Simulations have been employed successfully in International Relations courses since the 1950s. Building on the existing literature, I describe effective role-playing exercises I have adopted at the University of Miami for introductory undergraduate International Relations courses where students work collaboratively in teams. The simulations are structured to meet clear learning outcomes and provide an opportunity for experiential learning about different theories in International Relations and the complexity of global problems.

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