About the Narrative Techniques Study

About the Study

The "Narrative Techniques" grant from the Knight Foundation (http://www.knightfoundation.org/) helped us to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of narrative techniques as a core element in our online courses—to “humanize” online learning, so to speak.  

Why Narrative Techniques?

Narrative techniques range in form and complexity. They include such elements as student-generated media, role-playing activities, analysis of case studies, interaction with simulations, and activities in which students draw on their professional experiences. We would like to analyze the impact of narrative techniques on key factors of online success, such as the achievement of learning outcomes, student retention, and students’ capacity to translate their online learning to real-world situations.

Online Learning at the University of Miami

The Knight Foundation grant was an exciting opportunity for us to strengthen the relevance, effectiveness, and durability of our online offerings and to establish a distinctive UM approach to meaningful online learning. 
