This investigation was led by Aaron Royer (Sr. Instructional Designer) and Jessica Gonzalez (Instructional Designer), members of Learning Innovation and Faculty Engagement.
In inquiry-based learning (IBL), content learning occurs naturally as students actively explore and attempt to solve open-ended, real-world problems - a significant departure from more traditional lesson sequences which begin with delivery of content through, for example, a lecture and then move to applications. IBL emphasizes the importance of students’ questions, ideas, and observations and thus encourages active participation from students and provides ample opportunity for collaboration and sharing of ideas. Students, in their role of problem solvers, ask questions, gather resources, analyze and interpret data, and present their findings, while instructors structure and scaffold problems and guide students through the problem-solving process, providing support and resources when necessary.
Students confirm their understanding of a concept by demonstrating their ability to apply it as they solve a real problem. At this level, the most scaffolded of the four, instructors generate both the questions and procedures, and the outcomes are generally predetermined. An example is a pre-designed experiment that proves a known theory or principle. The teacher provides guidance and support, but the students are responsible for following the procedures, collecting data, analyzing the results and presenting their findings.
Instructors provide an initial question and outline a process for students to follow. Importantly, and different from the confirmation level, the outcomes of the inquiry are generally unknown. Case-Based Learning: Students are given a case study, or detailed scenario in a real-world context. They are provided guiding questions which they work together to answer. Students synthesize their answers to come to a unique conclusion.
Here students are responsible for designing and following the procedure to answer the question that the instructor poses. Because learners now have more freedom in developing the procedure and finding useful content, it is important for the instructor to provide guidance and feedback where necessary. Problem Based Learning: Students are given a complex, authentic, ill-structured problem in the form of a scenario. They work in groups to analyze the scenario, decide what they know and what they need to know to resolve the problem. They also decide HOW they will collect and synthesize the information. Instructor's guide students by asking questions and providing feedback at different points of the process. Ultimately, they use this information to develop a final product (e.g. a paper or presentation). Additional example: Project Based Learning
Within general guidelines, students take ownership of the inquiry and their results. They are given the freedom to select a subject or concept that interests them, formulate their own research questions, and devise a plan to carry out their research. Once completed, they may present a report or presentation outlining their findings. The instructor provides minimal guidance, serving more as a facilitator and resource. Independent Research: Students choose a topic on a current global issue, create their own investigation method, and produce a presentation on possible solutions based on their findings. Harkness Discussion: Students are given new information (a text, math problem, etc.) After reviewing it, students lead their own discussion, making meaning of the new information by formulating questions and navigating their own disagreements, conclusions and discoveries. They structure and monitor their progress and work collectively to incorporate their new knowledge.
The methods and activities mentioned above are not exhaustive and can transform into another inquiry-based model by adjusting the level of scaffolding. For example, project based learning where students choose their project topic and their method of inquiry would be considered Open inquiry. However, project based learning where students are assigned their topics and given a step-by-step method of inquiry would be considered structured inquiry. Instructors may also combine different inquiry models in a single activity. For instance, presenting an engineering simulation with guiding questions but then allowing students to develop solutions using open inquiry.
Dr. Basalo, a participant in the 2022 Faculty Learning Community on Problem-Based Learning, uses inquiry-based learning in MAE 301: Materials Science. Students are tasked with designing a beverage container. To make it more real and engaging, she builds a narrative around the problem in which students assume the role of industrial designers contracted by the beverage company, FancyBev, to design a container for their new beverage. This narrative, and the tasks embedded within, unfolds in a series of emails between Dr. Basalo, a representative of the company, and the students, an approach which adds a touch of authenticity. In solving this problem, students need to collaborate with peers to ask effective questions, identify and synthesize resources, and present their findings in a persuasive way. Dr. Matsuda, a participant in the 2021 Faculty Learning Community on Problem-Based Learning, uses this method in BPH 206: Introduction to Public Health. In her problem narrative, students assume the role of advisors to the mayor of Miami tasked with investigating and ultimately proposing a solution to the issues surrounding the gentrification of Wynwood. Students, working in groups, leverage local resources like the Miami Herald and even engage with community organizations to answer their questions and define the problem with sufficient detail. In doing so, they learn about important public health concepts and how they manifest themselves in local communities. At the conclusion of this process, students present their solutions accompanied by a written executive summary. Ines Basalo, Assistant Professor in Practice, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Yui Matsuda, Assistant Professor, Nursing and Health Studies
Rick Reibstein, Environmental Law and Policy, Boston University Rick Reibstein, professor of Environmental Law and Policy, tasks his students with creating professional quality projects for local environmental or public health agencies. He uses Project Based Learning, an example of open inquiry, deciding on 6 projects and asking that students pitch their own project ideas before the semester begins. Students use what they learn in class to complete these projects throughout the semester. This approach challenges students to apply their skills and create knowledge to impact real-world projects. To encourage engagement and ensure accountability, Reibstein’s students present their work individually as they progress while peers ask questions and offer meaningful feedback. Professor Reibstein holds one-on-one consultations with each student and uses email communication to guide students through each project. Final products are published on a public website and are often incorporated in real time by clients in the community. These highly engaging projects not only require that students use critical thinking and communication skills to solve authentic problems, but they contribute to each student’s professional experience and portfolio of work for future employment. Some projects include a guidebook on Carbon Credits for Forest Preservation, a paper discussing Pesticide Impacts on Bees, and building legislative support for a Lead Litigation Bill which students presented at the statehouse. Dr. Baker is a faculty member in the early education department. Inspired by Harvard’s Project Zero research on Pedagogy of Play, she uses structured inquiry methods through project-based, team, and experiential learning to teach her remote course: Learning to Teach Science to Young Children. Her students engage in a semester-long project using Science Notebooks where they chronicle various hands-on investigations. One example includes heating different materials on the stove at home and documenting hypotheses and observations in the notebooks. She also uses a resource (“Every Day Nature Tasks”) from the Arnold Arboretum in which students participate in daily open-ended tasks in nature. One example asks participants to go outside and collect objects with different textures. Students tape these objects into their Science Notebooks and add their observations. Although the course was remote, the experiential nature of the projects prompted students to discuss the ownership, curiosity and enjoyment of their own learning process. Ultimately, these projects culminated in virtual presentations and reflections on how students may incorporate similar approaches into their own teaching practice.
Megina Baker, Wheelock College of Education & Human Development, Boston University
Puliyur MohanKumar, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia Dr. Puliyur MohanKumar is a professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Georgia. As a response to increased class sizes, more remote students, and reduced access to dissection labs, Dr. MohanKumar worked with his department to incorporate BodyViz. This software virtually reconstructs 3D animals based on genuine clinical cases that used computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Dr. MohanKumar presents these models to his students and guides them through their own investigation; questioning, collaborating and eventually virtually dissecting the 3D model in order to gain a better insight into the case. This form of open inquiry requires students to apply key knowledge of anatomy while engaging with the sample case. Students generate and discuss questions like: “Why am I dissecting this? Why am I learning this thing? Why do I have to memorize this specific fact?”. Dr. MohanKumar found that this practice helped engage his students and improved their understanding of anatomy.
Regardless of which inquiry-based activity students engage in, they will follow the inquiry cycle during which students will typically leverage their curiosity, communicate ideas with a group, find and synthesize information and more. This cycle is iterative and helps to refine various skills for students that can have long-lasting impacts.
For students, inquiry-based learning can increase motivation and engagement by inviting students to take ownership of the investigation process and apply concepts and skills they’ve acquired. The authentic, complex nature of these tasks develop students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills (Wahyudiati, 2022). Students also practice collaborating and finding and evaluating research. With the proper support, the inquiry cycle helps students navigate failures, dead-ends, and risk-taking in their own learning; building confidence and good practice. It encourages them to become life-long learners in their professional and personal lives (Duch et al., 2001).
University-wide initiatives can lean on inquiry-based learning as a vehicle to innovate teaching and maximize the student experience. For example, as part of UM’s Roadmap to Our New Century, the Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) focuses on Learning through Dialogue and Discussion. Years of research shows student-to-student dialogue and class discussion as a form of active learning helps students retain new material, construct knowledge, and build social and critical thinking skills (Becker et al., 2017). UM’s QEP focuses on making these practices an integral part of the undergraduate learning experience, provides development, resources, and support to participating faculty, and looks to transform learning spaces to foster dialogic learning.
More broadly, inquiry-based learning strategies in the classroom help create the next generation of community members who are more prepared to expand knowledge, tackle complex issues, and innovate. It helps students become better researchers by teaching them how to ask effective questions and giving them the tools to synthesize information critically to produce relevant conclusions. With the future workforce in constant flux due to technological advancements and changing needs, IBL teaches students to be flexible and open-minded, making them better-equipped to not only evolve alongside a changing economy, but to help innovate the workforce as they join it (Becker et al., 2017).
While inquiry-based learning activities ask more of students, it can also ask much of faculty. Designing complex, real-world scenarios for problem based learning, finding authentic content for case based learning, or developing project ideas can be time consuming. Creating clear rubrics, and scheduling activities efficiently are major tasks for instructors as well. Incorporating these activities incrementally is a great way to slowly enhance your course with the time that is available and combat overwhelm. Small changes can make powerful impacts. Instructors might also find it useful to collaborate with their departments and build a resource bank as a team. The University of Delaware’s PBL Database has plenty of resources including problem based learning lessons for different disciplines. Students can help by pitching ideas or contributing their own content via research (Chu et al., 2017).
Instructors might find it difficult to find the balance between providing enough scaffolding and guidance and sufficiently challenging their students Possible Solutions:
While inquiry-based learning has been used in nursing and engineering, content areas like education, business, communications and psychology are seeing benefits (Becker et al., 2017). As inquiry-based learning expands to new content areas, it also facilitates the move across departments through interdisciplinary projects like FIU’s Science and Fiction Lab, which marries scientific concepts with analogous fiction pieces. Interdisciplinary degree programs like those found in UM’s Interdisciplinary and Professional Studies are also on the rise. This is because IBL’s focus on competencies translates beyond any one subject area.
Beyond experimenting with different technology, new inquiry-based learning methods are emerging. This includes Hackathons, an example of open inquiry, where students are asked to transfer their theoretical knowledge into practice in a one-day challenge (Kienzler & Fontanesi, 2017). In a Hackathon, students must collaborate with their team to analyze a challenge, complete research, collaborate with their team and develop a final product that serves as a solution to the problem. During the Hackathon, community experts are often available for students to interview as part of their research phase. Similarly, Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience or CURE are courses that are structured around original research opportunities where students can implement the inquiry cycle and generate new information in their discipline. Activities like these may be the next iteration of inquiry-based learning as the demand for industry-ready graduates increases.
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