Blackboard Learn

Blackboard Learn, available at is the University of Miami's Learning Mangement System.  In short, it is the quickest and easiest way to create dynamic websites for your course.  Why should you use Blackboard Learn over a generic site building system such as Googles Sites?  In short Blackboard Learn Course Sites are highly optimized for online courses and integrated with the Univeristy of Miami's enrollment and communication systems.

  • Course sites are only accessible to enrolled students, and enrollment is automatically synchronized to CaneLink
  • Post announcements to the class that viewed in Blackboard AND emailed to students
  • Post syllabus, office hourse and instructor contact information
  • Post assignments online that can be managed with Blackboards Learns submission system.
  • Originality Check
  • Make your students lives easier by letting them find all their assignments from their Blackboard Learn home page
