AI Testing Ground

This page details the results of the testing and proof-of-concept projects relating to UMIT's artificial intelligence initiative. 


ISS Chatbot

This chatbot retrieves information from a large number of IT support documents. Built using the MS Power Platform.

Teaching and Learning Resources Chatbot

Using information provided by the Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL), this chatbot provides information about teaching resources available to University of Miami faculty. Uses Node.js, Azure GPT-4, and Microsoft Vector Search.

Document Chat

This is a chatbot that will answer questions based on the content of an uploaded Word or PDF document. Uses Node.js, Azure GPT-4, and Microsoft Vector Search.

UM AI Image Generator

Built on Node.js, the UM AI Image Generator generates three image possibilities for a given prompt using the same OpenAI image generation technology that powers DALL-E. View the source code.

Note: Adobe Firefly is now the University of Miami's preferred image generation tool.

Civil War Tutor

This Civil War Tutor, built with GPT-3.5, demonstrates how AI chatbots can be deployed to provide subject area guidance to students.

UM Speech Generator

The Speech Generator, written in Node.js, uses Microsoft's Cognitive Services to generate speech audio from written text in a variety of voices and inflections.

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